ORAD provides for the needs of its potential customers a wide range of advanced solutions for fire and smoke detection, smoke control and voice alarm evacuation systems. As part of the safety shell, ORAD delivers solutions which include different types of gas, water, foam, powder and water-fog fire extinguishing.

ORAD's experts are busy customizing for the prospective customer a complete protection package tailored to the customer's size and budget which meets the requirements of the Fire and Rescue Department and the most rigorous other standards. ORAD's safety and fire protection systems provide a solution in every field, from fire and smoke detection and extinguishing, through management and evacuation of smoke in buildings, pertinent engineering planning through service and support, ending in comprehensive safety training.

Active Aspirating Smoke Detector Systems

This is an aspiration system for use with special applications and used in cold rooms for particularly low temperatures. The system comprises a detector installed in a closed package, a blower for air aspiration, and a PVC pipe system. The active aspiration unit draws air from the protected space through a network of pipes and suction orifices spread along the pipes; the orifices diameter is determined according to the piping isometrics and the pipe length. Drilling of the suction hole diameter is made by means of a computerized method for an optimal sampling of the protected.

Aspiration pipes of a length of up to 100 m installed in the form of a U or a double U – UU can be connected to the aspiration unit. An additional box containing a detector (through which the air in the branch will pass) can be installed on every pipe branch in order to receive a precise indication of the location of the smoke. Through this additional detector, cross zoning can be carried out.

Azrieli Sarona Tower


Waldorf Astoria, Jerusalem

Bar-Ilan University

Fields of Experties

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